Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Feb 21 - Card "Reading" Day
Today is Sticky Bun Day! AND Card Reading Day!
I could’ve brought sticky buns, but instead… It’s a different take on “reading” cards.
I have 5 cards that I made. All but one have a frog picture on the front but no sentiment or caption inside. I would like everyone to make up a sentiment or caption for each card. Don’t sweat it, just put in the first thing that comes to your mind. Please put your initials by your entry and then pass the card on (like we do with birthday cards). If you are the last person to write on one please put it back on my desk. Enjoy reading what everyone wrote! I will post all at the end of the day or tomorrow morning. Thanks for jumping in and playing.
Don’t forget 5 Minutes of Fun at 130ish in room 128
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also Sweet Potato Month! Tomorrow is Single Tasking Day! AND Inconvenience Yourself Day! AND Margarita Day!
photos are in a PDF; have to figure out how to get them on here, sorry! Will fix ASAP.
photos are in a PDF; have to figure out how to get them on here, sorry! Will fix ASAP.
Feb 20 - Hoodie-Hoo Day
Thanks to David, Kassie, Lynda, Use, and me for shouting Hoodie-Hoo!! If winter is chased away, you know who to thank!!
And thank you Renee for (maybe) taking a picture of this fun bunch!
Feb 20 - Frog Food
Today is Northern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo-Day -- At high noon (local time) citizens are asked to go outdoors and yell "Hoodie-Hoo" to chase winter away and make ready for spring, one month from now. See you at noon!
5 Minutes of Fun tomorrow around 130. I need 4 volunteers again! J
Ok, today’s email was going to have a couple of recipes for preparing frog legs; that was until I read this information which kind of creeped me out: “Chill frog legs in advance to keep them from twitching.” Eeewwww!
So, instead, here are some fun frog-shaped food products! No harm to frogs!
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Leapin’ Lizards – February is also Care About Your Indoor Air Month! Tomorrow is Sticky Bun Day! AND Card Reading Day!
Feb 19 - Frog Joke
Today is Chocolate Mint Day!
Q. Why couldn't the snake talk?
A. He had a frog in his throat.
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month! Tomorrow is Northern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo Day!
Let's see who I can talk into going outside with me tomorrow for Hoodie-Hoo Day!
Feb 18 - Frog Joke
Today is Thumb Appreciation Day! AND Drink Wine Day!
Q: What do Alexander the Great and Kermit the Frog have in common?
A: Their middle name.
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also International Hoof Care Month! Tomorrow is Chocolate Mint Day!
Feb 17 - Frog Joke
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day! AND My Way Day!
Q. What do frog's say after telling a joke?
A. Git-it git-it!
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also International Expect Success Month! Tomorrow is Thumb Appreciation Day! AND Drink Wine Day!
Feb 16 - 5 Minutes Of Fun
Thanks to the volunteers who played 5 Minutes of Fun!
The challenge was to find a picture of a frog that you liked (4 to choose from), then reassemble the picture when it was cut into 2x2 inch squares. Oh, from memory - the few minutes you had to pick your picture!
Kudos to Kiersten for getting the most of her puzzle done. She won a frog bag with homemade chocolate chip cookies, white chocolate chip cookies, and plain cookies. All players won a small bag of cookies!
The challenge was to find a picture of a frog that you liked (4 to choose from), then reassemble the picture when it was cut into 2x2 inch squares. Oh, from memory - the few minutes you had to pick your picture!
Kudos to Kiersten for getting the most of her puzzle done. She won a frog bag with homemade chocolate chip cookies, white chocolate chip cookies, and plain cookies. All players won a small bag of cookies!
Feb 16 - Frog Joke
Today is Do A Grouch A Favor Day!
Once upon a time, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess happened upon a frog in a pond. The frog said to the princess, “I once was a handsome prince until an evil witch put a spell on me. One kiss from you and I will turn back into a prince and then we can marry, move into the castle with my mom and you can prepare my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children and forever feel happy doing so." That night, while the princess dined on frog legs, she kept laughing and saying, "I don't THINK so."
5 Minutes of Fun today, 230ish, room 118! In honor of “Bake For Family Fun Month” (mentioned yesterday) the prize today is homemade cookies!
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also International Boost Self Esteem Month! Tomorrow is Random Acts of Kindness Day!
Feb 15 - Kermit the Frog wants 24 role
Today is Gumdrop Day!
News Update:
Kermit the Frog: I want 24 role
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Kermit the Frog is hoping Kiefer Sutherland will drop out of the 24 movie, so he can star in it instead.
The legendary green puppet recently made his return to the big screen with his movie The Muppets. Kermit has enjoyed being back in front of a camera and has his sights set on landing further leading roles.
He wants to rival the careers of his favourite Hollywood actors and has expressed a particular interest in a big screen version of a popular US TV show.
"I'm fine with where I am in the showbiz hierarchy, but I think I could probably expand. I've consider going after some of those leading man roles. The ones Tom Cruise goes after? or Harrison Ford," he told the March edition of Esquire.
"You know 24? I'm gonna try and get that, if Kiefer doesn't make it."
However, it appears Kermit may have left it too late.
It was recently reported that Kiefer will begin shooting the 24 movie this spring.
The Canadian star is famed for his role as counter-terrorist agent Jack Bauer in the TV series, which ended in 2010.
Talks of a 24 film have been in the pipeline for some time, but cameras are slated to start rolling around various locations in Europe this April.
© Cover Media
Belfast Telegraph
5 Minutes of Fun tomorrow, 230ish, room 118!
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also Bake For Family Fun Month! Tomorrow is Do A Grouch A Favor Day!
Feb 14 - Ferris Wheel Day
I opted to skip the obvious Valentine's Day stuff - BORING!
Today is National Condom Day! AND Library Lovers Day! AND International QuirkyAlone Day! AND Ferris Wheel Day!
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also Fabulous Florida Strawberry Month! Tomorrow is Gumdrop Day!
I got the image from Pinterest; I'm sorry I don't have the original URL at the moment.
Oh, and it turns out that several people were absent of offsite yesterday and wanted to have a different name today. I had to let them down easy by explaining that that day is ONLY on Feb 13 and they will have to wait till next year!
Oh, and it turns out that several people were absent of offsite yesterday and wanted to have a different name today. I had to let them down easy by explaining that that day is ONLY on Feb 13 and they will have to wait till next year!
Feb 13 - Get A Different Name Day
Today is Clean Out Your Computer Day! AND Get A Different Name Day!
On this day we may change our names to whatever we wish and have the right to expect colleagues, family and friends to so address us.
Please fill out and wear your name tag and also fill out and put up your cube sign. Who is your alter-ego?
(library folks, sorry, the supplies are over here at my desk)
5 Minutes of Fun volunteers needed – 4 people for 5 mins at around noon on Thursday Feb 16. Let me know if you are willing.
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also Exotic Vegetables and Star Fruit Month! Tomorrow is National Condom Day!
I put supplies for nametags and cube nameplates at my desk for everyone. I started the group off by naming myself "Mrs. Van Halen." However, I think that threw some people for a loop because they thought they also had to choose a celebrity name. :-(
Luckily some people got it and simply chose their favorite name or an unusual name.
Brad became Raoul
Mary became Emily
Sharon became Kiki
I would have been Christina had I not opted for my favorite guitar player's moniker.
It was fun to have everyone else in the company call us our new names!
Feb 12 - Frog Jokes
Today is Plum Pudding Day!
A frog came into a bank to obtain a loan. He spoke to the loan officer Mr. Paddywack. When Mr. Paddywack asked the frog what he had for loan collateral, the frog held out his hand. "What's that?" asked Mr. Paddywack, but the frog could not talk. So, Mr. Paddywack took the frog in to see the manager and explained the situation. The manager then asked the frog what collateral he had for the loan and the frog held out his hand. "Oh," said the manager, "that's a knickknack Paddywack, give the frog a loan."
What do frogs drink? Hot croako!
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also Dog Training Education Month! Tomorrow is Get A Different Name Day!
Feb 11 - When Is Leap Year?
Today is Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day! AND Peppermint Patty Day! AND Make a Friend Day!
When is Leap Year?
There are only two rules governing the determination of leap years:
- A year which is evenly divisible by 4 is a leap year, except for years ending in 00.
- A year ending in 00 is a leap year if it's divisible by 400. Thus, 1900 was not a leap year, but 2000 will be. It's as simple as that.
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also National Bean (dried and fresh) Month! Tomorrow is Plum Pudding Day!
Feb 10 - Sweden's Double Leap Year
Today is Umbrella Day! AND Cream Cheese Brownie Day!
Sweden’s Double Leap Year
In 1999 a rumor swept across the world: the year 2000 was a double leap year, with a February 29th and 30th. After prompting endless questions in discussion boards and other forums, this quirk of the calendar turned out to be a vastly successful hoax. But few people realized that there had already been a double leap year.
In 1700 Sweden decided to adopt the Gregorian calendar. To change from their current Julian date to the Gregorian one the Swedes needed to lose eleven days; however, instead of dropping them all in one year like the rest of Europe, Sweden used a different method. Their plan was to simply continue with their calendar as normal, omitting the leap days; by dropping every February 29th between 1700 and 1740 Sweden would slowly convert to the Gregorian date. Although this method would have left Sweden out of sync with the rest of Europe it prevented the economic and legal problems experienced by other nations.
Despite a good start - 1700 was not a leap year - the plan soon ran into problems, as 1704 and 1708 both contained leap days. At some point between 1708 and 1712 a decision was taken to abandon the plan and re-align Sweden with the Julian calendar. Consequently, in Sweden 1712 contained two leap days: February 29th was the normal one, while February 30th replaced the day omitted in 1700.
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also National Avocado and Banana Month! Tomorrow is Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day!
Feb 9 - 5 Minutes of Fun
Thanks to all who participated in or attended the 5 Minutes of Fun today!
The game was Buzz Word and Micheal (Le hopped out) gave Melissa a run for her money. But he was victorious scoring himself a dancing frog. Nicely done!
The game was Buzz Word and Micheal (Le hopped out) gave Melissa a run for her money. But he was victorious scoring himself a dancing frog. Nicely done!
To see the Buzz Words that stumped them take a look at the Team Bulletin Board.
More 5 Minutes of Fun coming!
Feb 9 - Just Info
Today is Read in the Bathtub Day! AND Extraterrestrial Visitor Day! AND Toothache Day! L
Have you seen any Extraterrestrial Visitors in our area?
Don’t forget 5 Minutes of Fun at 12:05 in 118.
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month! Tomorrow is Umbrella Day!
Feb 8 - Frog Jokes
Today is Kite Flying Day!
Some random jokes about frogs:
For our library folks:
A librarian was quietly working when three chickens walked in and jumped on to the counter eyed her and said "BUK BUK BUK." Not sure she was sane she gave the chickens three books and they left. An hour later in walked the chickens again jumped onto the counter, returned the books they had taken earlier and said "BUK BUK BUK." Now convinced she was out of her mind she gave them three books, they took one each and left. This time she decided to follow them. She followed them down to the local pond and stood horrified as they threw the books into the water. All of a sudden they flew back out of the pond and a frog stuck it's head up saying "RREDIT RREDIT RREDIT!"
For our stylish folks (you know who you are!):
What kind of shoes to frogs like? Open toad sandals!
For the CDS team:
What did one frog say to the other? Time's sure fun when you're having flies!
Leapin’ Lizards – February is also National Hot Breakfast Month! Tomorrow is Read in the Bathtub Day! AND Extraterrestrial Visitor Day!
Congrats to Kiersten who was the first person to wiggle all her finger at me yesterday! She won a frog magnet.
Congrats to Kathy L and Melissa who pointed out that there were actually 9 FROGs in the word find! Frog magnets for both of you.
Answer to yesterday’s tough riddle was:
WITHOUT USING GOOGLE, etc… Which 10 artists had songs titled “Jump”? Van Halen was the only answer anyone got right!
Song Title
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B B King
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Bassnectar feat Foreign Beggars
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Big Joe Turner
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Bow Wow
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Brian setzer
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Cypress Hills
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Dean Martin
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Destiny's Child
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Face Down
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Flo Rida
Girls Aloud
Harry Belafonte
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House of Pain
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Jethro Tull
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Kriss Kross
Kylie Minogue
Lil Kim
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Louis Armstrong
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Pointer Sisters
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Rolling Stones
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Simple Plan
Sir Mix-A-Lot
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Soulja Boy
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Sugarhill Gang
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The Moffats
Third Eye Blind
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Tokio Hotel
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Van Halen
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