Thursday, July 27, 2017

Write what you know

I know that life without my husband is sad and difficult at times. I am one of the lucky ones though. I have a great family, great in laws, and great friends. My brother lives with me, has for the past 15 years, and has really helped fill in the gaps left by my superhero.

It has been 10 months and 4 days since my beloved Howie left my life, not that anyone but me is counting. There are a lot of things to count in widowhood, especially in this first year. You count how many days since he left, you count how many times and for how long you cry, you count how many events you’ve managed to survive, and sometimes you count your blessings. That’s the hardest because without Howie nothing really seems that great.

It is hard to describe to someone that is not a widow how I feel at this point. I am not unhappy, I am just not happy. Life is not fun anymore. I have most of the logistics down – how to function day to day – but I am still figuring out how to absorb my husband’s whole life into mine (e.g. car maintenance, lawn maintenance, grocery shopping, cooking, and on and on).

Why write now? To capture my thoughts and feelings TODAY, to be able to look back and see if I’ve been able to move forward without the love of my life, and maybe, just maybe to help another widow that also is not sure if she’s normal and offer reassurance that she’s not alone. I’m waxing a bit philosophical as I’m not 100% committed to doing this. I don’t know if I really want to write, or if I do, that I want it out there in the universe for all.

I guess we’ll see.

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